Health insurance for internationals

Posted on dec 8, 2017

SGE International is a member of Healthcare for internationals (H4i).

H4i is a non-profit organization that aims to have Dutch healthcare better meet the needs and expectations of internationals. H4i supports its members in developing services for internationals. Both SGE International and H4i help internationals navigate Dutch healthcare.

H4i has an agreement with LoonZorg, an organization that offers a variety of health insurances, specifically for internationals. Under this agreement LoonZorg supports H4i, thus enabling healthcare providers that are members to improve and expand their services for internationals.

If you are new to the Netherlands or want to look at the possibilities of changing your health insurance before January 1st, you can take a look here to learn more about health insurances in the Netherlands.

About LoonZorg

LoonZorg are specialists in health insurances for internationals. LoonZorg offers amongst others the ‘Low Premium No Risk Policy’ which covers the ‘own risk’ of € 385 and includes extra coverage for repatriation and emergency dental care.

To check if LoonZorg suits your specific needs, have a look here.

  • The health insurances of LoonZorg will equally well cover your healthcare expenses if you decide to register with another primary healthcare provider than SGE International.
  • You are free to choose any health insurance provider and your choice does not affect the level of care and service you receive at SGE International.
  • SGE International and H4i cannot advise you on what insurance is best suited for you.